Friday, 5 March 2010

guess what, i deleted my old blog just to create a new one... *imagines ppl gving me a wtf face*

im seriously so sick of my old blog. i mean, just having that old blog just proves what a huge hypocrite i really am. i personally detest ppl who blog with a picture, and one caption, and voilla! you're considered blogger!!! and there i was, doing the exact same thing!!!!

and yes, thats the reason i deleted that good for nothing blog! that blog consists of nothing but just pictures and stupid captions and no one ever sees it!!!! like wtf? whats the point of even having a blog if no one is gonna bloody read it???? i mean,  if its meant to be private, then keep a diary, not a blog... ~

honestly, i think a blog is supposed to be sth thought provoking and funny, like xia xue's, minus the hatred and criticisms. 

like, omg have you guys laughed so hard that you accidentally pee-ed??? ok, thats sth i should blog about later on... tee hee...

anyways, g2g  ... tic toc, times ticking away...

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